National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week

Invisible Illness Week Seminars Reach Out to People in Twenties and Thirties

LogoToo often young people with illness hear, "you're too young to be that sick." Uh.... no. Unfortunately, one is never too young to be sick.

Care-giving, Faith and Support Groups Seminars Offered During Invisible Illness Week

LogoNearly 1 in 2 people in the USA have a chronic illness and about 96% of it is invisible.* With the knowledge that this number is continuing to grow as our population ages, National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week offers three workshops that focus on coping mechanisms and emotional support.

Chronically Ill Will Find Encouragement During Invisible Illness Week’s Workshops

LogoNearly 1 in 2 people in the USA have a chronic illness, over 133 million. Where do they turn for encouragment when times get tough? One way it to attend some of the workshops online that National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week sponsors September 8-12,

Free Seminars Online Offer Advocacy and Financial Tips for Chronically Ill

LogoNational Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week is offering twenty free online seminars this week with well-known experts in the areas of patient rights, how to win disability cases (even with invisible illnesses) and financial planning when you are chronically ill.

Join Hundreds of Others in Blogging About Invisible Illness Sept 8-12

LogoSome would argue having an illness that is invisible is a good thing. And at times it can be because one gets to choose who to share what information with. But it's also difficult because no one ever believes the seriousness of one's illness or pain level.

Chronically Ill Enthusiastically Anticipate Virtual Internet Conference Sept 8-12

LogoTraveling expenses, hard beds, peers wearing too much perfume, long treks to conference rooms, and exhausting days make up the typical conference--all which make it nearly impossible for the chronically ill to attend events where they can find encouragement and education. National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week's “virtual” conference online is more than just practical. It's necessary.

Invisible Illness Awareness Week Unites Thousands Who Get it

LogoLiving with an invisible illness can cause heartache and bitterness when one feels no one understands the significance of the illness. Invisible Illness Week provides that validation that people with invisible diseases often seek.

Blogging for Awareness of Invisible Illness Week Unites Thousands

LogoThrough blogs, social networks and book marking tools, this non-profit plans to unite the thousands who live with a variety of invisible illnesses to increase the awareness that illnesses are legitimate even though most people who live with it "look just fine."

Who Hates to Hear They Look Great? Over Half of the Chronically Ill

LogoIn a recent survey of 611 chronically ill individuals, done by the National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week committee, 53.27% of the respondents said that the most frustrating or annoying comment people make about their illness is “But you look so good!”