HTML5 Digital Magazine Software Available for Publishing jQuery and HTML5 Flipbook Online

LogoPUB HTML5’s new HTML5 digital magazine software yields users a simple way to create stunning online and offline brochures, magazines, catalogs, and more. Already catering to over 30,000 companies worldwide, PUB HTML5 offers a remarkable array of features that users can utilize to build the perfect flipbook jQuery & HTML5.

HTML5 PDF Flipbook Creator Introduced with a Powerful Cloud Digital Publishing Platform

LogoPUB HTML5 is pleased to introduce an HTML5 PDF flipbook creator combined with the cloud publishing platform which will impress users and gain more support in the future.

HTML5 Flip Pages Software Available at - Easily to Create PDF Flip Book with HTML5

LogoTo convert print-ready PDFs into an interactive online publication, an innovative cloud-based technology, PUB HTML5 has been launched offering online HTML5 flip pages software using PUB HTML5 cloud publishing platform.

HTML5 Page Flip eMags Publisher - Publish Magazines and Catalogs to Attractive Page Flip Format

LogoA new innovative addition to PUB HTML5 has now arrived, making it more easy and convenient for its users. PUB HTML5 offers an HTML digital platform to publish brochures, magazines and catalogues and now, the new HTML5 page flip eMags publisher facilitates to add links, audio, video, animation and more multimedia to publications.

HTML5 Flip Book Maker by PUB HTML5 Available for Powerful Digital Publishing

LogoPUB HTML5 has introduced a digital platform from which users can publish HTML5 digital magazines. The HTML5 flip book maker helps engage customers using a rich media publication and attractive animations in regular PDF documents. It allows the customer to sell directly from the digital catalog created using the HTML5 flipbook software.