
Choosing the proper steel building system for a particular project can be a time consuming process. If the particular style of construction is decided upon too soon and an architect is hired before you have begun the engineering process of your steel building project, costs could wind up being higher than necessary. If the decision is made in the very late stages the cost effectiveness of the project may not be optimal because architects don’t always understand what about steel buildings make them so much more affordable than conventional construction. At the beginning stages of any building project, potential builders look to steel building construction as a cost effective means to focus primarily on one issue, the desire/need for more space. Steps for choosing the proper steel building:- The first step can be the hardest. Buyers, architects, engineers, and the steel building provider should all coordinate together to ensure everyone is on the same page. The Armstrong Steel Build Group simplifies this process. We take a look at your actual space requirements and what the building will be used for. The next step in the steel building process is the preliminary design. A building size is determined and your cost for the materials is provided. Your Armstrong Steel representative is especially critical in this phase of the process as they can usually point out design and structural concerns that may occur with the particular size and shape of the building chosen. The Armstrong Steel Build Team exists solely to save you money up front on your project by recommending the best solution for your project. Once the particulars of the steel buildings size and design have been decided upon, the next step is locking in your steel price. This is without a doubt the most important and time sensitive step involved in your entire project. Steel prices haven’t been this low since 2002 and now are a great time to take advantage of market conditions. Lock in your steel price and invest in your project today. This takes place before the engineering process can begin for your steel building. Contact your Armstrong Steel Representative for more details. Once your engineering deposit has been received, we can then slot your building in engineering. You can then anticipate receiving preliminary drawings shortly thereafter. Wet stamped blueprints can be expected 2 weeks later. Armstrong Steel has enough in house design resources to help with renderings and final design specifications before a specific delivery date can be scheduled. Pricing options and other information regarding Armstrong Steel building choices can be found online at our website: