Asian Defence Academy Is India's Best Sainik School Coaching, Navodaya Vidyalaya, And Gurukul Entrance Exam Coaching Provider In India. With Our Experienced Staff And Efficient Education Structure, We Are The Most Admired Institute In India. Asian Defence Academy believes in nurturing students in all aspects rather than just providing them with a quality education. With our sincere approach and effective way, we prepare your child to achieve the Sainik School entrance exam with more chances. Our Sainik School coaching starts with a lesson plan that lets the students know how they can study. We understand that the methodology to getting success in any sainik school exam is to have a solid base in each subject, so we start with the basic step and then lead to continuous practice to nurse the concept understanding. After a week of learning sessions, there are weekly tests. Are you aspiring to enroll your child in a Sainik School and looking for the best coaching program? Look no further. Asian Defence Academy is committed to nurturing students, more than just academics.