Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Diabetes Control - Innoveda Diabe 250

Innoveda Diabe 250 is an Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes Control without any side effects. It helps maintain a healthy sugar level. It is a US PATENTED & CLINICALLY PROVEN PRODUCT, having over 10 years of research conducted by CSIR-IIM. Dosage: One tablet twice a day or as directed by a physician, half to one hour before meals with warm or room temperature water. Diabe 250 Benefits: 1> Health: It helps maintain healthy sugar levels. 2> Sleep: It offers good bowel movement and sleep. 3> Diabetes: Assists in Reversal of early-stage diabetes. 4> Clean: Help in cleaning the body of endotoxins. Contact Details: Mobile: 828740600 Website: Innoveda Diabe 250 Product: