Women's Perspective - Rosemary Williams

Rosemary Williams

Founder and Executive Director

Rosemary Williams

Rosemary Williams is the founder and executive director of Women's Perspective. She is a leading voice on the topic of money and values. A former banker, personal financial planner, entrepreneur, non-profit executive, author and consultant, Rosemary helps women & men unmask their powerful, conflicting, often outdated, money messages and replace them with new ideas that apply to the current financial situation. She has helped thousands of people take decisive action to integrate their core values into their financial lives. Rosemary conducts workshops, teleclasses, retreats and coaches individuals on the issues of personal money management. She is the author of The Woman's Book of Money and Spiritual Vision: Putting Your Financial Values Into Financial Practice and Economic Empowerment Training for Women. Rosemary's latest project is the blog www.currencyoftheheart.org.