Breath Technologies

The core principle of Breath Technologies is to help the world and its people work on their overall physical, emotional and mental health by improving breathing habits and practices. We are bringing the revolution to the wearables industry, bridging that ""missing link"". So, what's the missing link? The hybrid integrated platform by Breath technologies is the Rosetta Stonne of Breath. The wearable Pneumometer device combines three sets of data points by recording and monitoring the human breath wave in real time in an integrated app, which translates it into a graph, offering health insights and breath analysis to find irregular or unusual in everyday breathing patterns underlying your mental and physical state. Thus, bridging the gap, the app with the website offers resources and ways to improve the breathing technique by bringing professionals, from the East and the West, a platform to bring their expertise on breathing exercises and initiate a dialogue on breath that is the life force that governs the human species.