We are proud to be in our 3rd year of the Carolina Music Awards and our focus continues to be to shine light on artist in the Carolinas in Rock, Hip Hop, Country and R&B. This year we are excited to have the support of the City of Raleigh Convention & Visitors Bureau and an increased number sponsors and supporters. Every year we look to make this event more and more beneficial to Carolina artists and support the great music made right here in the Carolinas. We are focused on one singular objective, the development of the music industry in the Carolinas while encouraging growth in our music both present and future. The CM Awards will focus on the hottest music/artist in the Carolinas (North & South) in most genres; however we will honor artist outside the Carolinas as well. This is the official request for your support. We are currently looking for sponsors, advertisers, volunteers and anyone with an interest in supporting the CM Awards and music in the Carolinas.