
Celiveo is a printer brand agnostic and a strongly innovative company developing cyber security solutions to protect printers and documents reduce cost and right-size printers and MFP fleets in mid-size to large corporations. The innovative aspect of Celiveo technology is to not leverage from any servers, it is fully distributed and developed to scale for companies with tens of thousands of printers and MFPs across the world, while also being easily usable by mid-size companies with a few dozen printers. Celiveo 365 is our pure-Cloud SaaS offer, where you just need the client PC and the printer, and a subscription. Celiveo 11 is our version licensed with on-premise installation, for companies who can’t access Cloud infrastructure. Our large clients base include companies from all horizons such as AIG USA, Merck MSD worldwide, NetAPP worldwide, UMG worldwide, a major Swiss bank, Exxon Mobil worldwide, Siemens Healthineers, Transdev, Total Oil Nigeria, Anglo, BBVA CH, British Telecom, DaVita… Celiveo engineers are working every day in collaboration with leading technology manufacturers to prepare the next generation of cyber-security solutions that secure, control, optimize documents and drastically reduce print infrastructure cost. Many large global companies, governments, hospitals rely daily on Celiveo products to ensure documents and digital information are not misappropriated, accounted for and end-users don’t waste time looking for working printer or for their documents. The global presence of Celiveo allows to help out clients and integrator to deliver the best possible output management solution in all regions, with local or regional support.