Covenant Classical School and Daycare

At Covenant Classical Schools & Daycare, we strive to maximize each child’s early school experience. Our teachers nurture and encourage our students, developing well-rounded individuals who are equipped to succeed at the next level. We aim to enhance young minds through their academic abilities. Our studies go beyond the basics of reading, math and writing. Extended studies include arts & crafts, Bible, sign language, biblical character development and Spanish to name a few.* Alongside our academic standards, we offer security and encouragement to create a positive atmosphere that’s conducive to learning and growth. With songs and games, we make learning fun and memorable for little ones. We seek to show God’s love in our everyday interaction. From Bible lessons to the meals we provide, your child is engaged and actively attuned to God’s creation and grace in the world around them. Every effort is made to equip each child with foundational character attributes that will be displayed in their daily actions—while learning and while at play. CCS Daycare endeavors to create a community that serves and loves, and we invite you to experience the difference. *Our schools offer a variety of extended learning opportunities & extracurricular activities including ballet, tumbling and soccer. Each school will be more than happy to provide a listing of activities offered.