
For many businesses in the current economic environment it can be difficult to maintain the necessary cash flow to meet the monthly demands of the business. Between payroll, business expenses, cost of operation, and any outstanding loans it is very common for businesses to find themselves with a shortage of finances which could be used to capitalize on a business opportunity which may arise at any time. This can cause a company to become stagnant and create a systemic issue which can further slow the growth of a recovering economy. Working with companies that provide cash flow through business lending allows companies to utilize a variety of possible solutions to meet their cash flow needs. When it comes to the most basic of expenses for any company payroll funding can provide a solution in a recovering economy. Payroll funding provides an immediate injection of cash flow into a company based on their outstanding invoices in order to meet the monthly payroll requirements of the employees who carry out daily business operations. This is one of the most important expenditures that any company can have in a given month since the employees are a large part of the key to a company’s success. Asset based financing is another way for companies to create a surplus of available cash which can be used to grow the business or meet other financial obligations which may arise on short notice. Asset based financing takes the value of assets owned by the company and allows them to leverage those assets in order to create excess capital which can be spent as they see fit. This can be crucial for companies that operate in markets where the slightest delay in funding can cost the company in potential profits. Cash flow lenders can also create an immediate source of cash flow by using accounts receivable factoring. Accounts receivable factoring allows a company to take the amount of money which is due to them in outstanding invoices and turn that into an immediate source of cash flow. These invoices will be paid to the company in time, however this can cause a problem when funds can be used immediately before the invoices are paid in full. Accounts receivable factoring can accommodate for this problem and allow companies to use these funds without having to wait for clients to process the payments on their end. For companies that are growing or are in a volatile industry where the cash flow from month to month can be unpredictable, business lending is a way to overcome the uncertainty and insure that there is cash flow available to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. From contractor funding to working capital loans, to payroll funding, there are many different financial solutions that are available in order to meet the specific needs of companies in many different markets. The one thing that unites these companies is the fact that immediate cash flow is more valuable than eventual cash flow and that these solutions will help them continue to grow. information (24/7) at 1 800 876 6071 USA & Canada office