Donna Dorothy

Donna began researching permanent makeup around 5 years ago to cover a scar she has through her eyebrow. She was totally amazed at how much technology has moved on in the industry and just how natural a finish can be achieved now with these modern techniques. At this time Donna’s background was clinical, working for a number of years for a private health clinic in Belfast. Donna has always been a little obsessed with makeup and eyebrows in particular. She began to form a vision of bringing her clinical training to the beauty/PMU world to form a business ensuring safe, bespoke and most of all natural enhancements. Donna Dorothy is one of Northern Ireland’s leading Permanent Makeup Specialists. Offering Eyebrows, Eyeliner and Lips, she has a keen eye for detail and takes a creative and safe approach to permanent makeup. Have a look around and get in touch if you would like to know more.