Dr FootPodiatry Clinic

"Foot, Ankle and Toenails Problem, We Have The Solution." We're a one-stop podiatry clinic for your foot and ankle concerns. Our specialist provides consultation, diagnosis and treatment of lower extremity disorders, diseases and injuries all within our clinic. In our clinic, we focus on a Non-Surgical approach to the treatment of your foot, ankle and toenails pathology. Here are some common Foot Conditions that we see and treat: *Skin and Nail disorders* #Fungal Nail #Warts #Ingrown Toenails #Corns & Calluses #Althlete’s Foot *Foot and Ankle disorders* #Heel Pain #Bunion #Flat Feet #In-toeing (Children) #Toe-walking (Children) Take good care of your feet as they will walk you to great health.