Drugs addiction is a very obnoxious habit and should be done away with as soon as possible. There are many types of equipment that are available online which you can use to check for testing for drug level in the body. You can also test for the drug level through testing for hair samples. It is one of the latest technologies that are being used to test for drug level. In hair drug testing we measure the drug molecules embedded inside the hair shaft and is not effected by shampoo, bleaches or any other chemical. At http://www.drugteststrips.com/ we provide equipments which you can use to test for drug level at your home. You can take the sample and send it to us which we will test at our laboratory and secretly send it back to you with the results. We identify the results as whether the user is a low (occasional), medium (weekend/daily) or high (constant) user. We analyze a small sample of hair and can generate results from that also. We now carry hair tests that go back 30-90 days. You can check the site to know more about the hair test products and know more about the. For additional information, please visit http://www.drugteststrips.com/ Phone: 1-866-937-8483 International Phone Number: 001-864-346-9880 Fax: 1-866-952-9752 E-mail: info@DrugTestStrips.com