About Kritkal: KritiKal is a technology design house focused on Embedded System Design and Real Time Computer Vision and Imaging Solutions. Its expertise lies in System Architectural design & development right from requirements stage to market ready products. We have an impressive portfolio of product designs using FPGAs ; 8bit to 32 bit microprocessors; bus architectures like SPI, I2C, CAN, PCI etc.; and Embedded Operating Systems like Linux, VxWorks, ThreadX etc. KritiKal’s domain expertise extends to network routers, modems, telecom protocol firmware, cameras etc. KritiKal also specializes in real-time video processing solutions. This involves research and development of pattern recognition and other image processing/computer vision algorithms and software, selection of Imaging Sensors, Cameras and Image Digitization Circuitry, Lighting, Placement, Mounting and the right processing platform for the Software Development and Integration with other Electronic or Electro-Mechanical Systems.