
For any business or company the SEO is important, and important element in SEO is content, that how much content need to go on a page for your website in order to get high ranking of your services or products. SEO is a vide subject where different people have different opinion and thoughts regarding this matter. Based on your goals and needs sticking to end results would be different from someone else. The differences may arise in the end results, there are few concrete guidelines which you may follow. If you want to work on SEO for your website then more content is better than less content, providing only a few sentences on all of your pages will not help search engines to work with. This will lead your website providing almost nothing as worthwhile, unique or highly related to your product or services. One important factor that you need to keep in mind with this SEO is that content that you provide should be original and worthwhile, repeated keywords or copied material can damage yourself, your brand and your credibility, your ranking will also suffer as a result. Based on these two guidelines keeping in mind you can establish a bare minimum for what your pages should include. This bare minimum should be roughly 250 words depending on the kind of page that you have. Many people include upwards of 2,000 words on a single page, and there's nothing wrong with that either. But you have to keep in mind that you want your pages to look good and flow smoothly, and too much content can hinder that. Also, dividing larger pages into smaller sub pages merely provides you with more individual pages that can get ranked in the search engines. It's really all about providing a satisfactory level of content that meets the expectations both of search engines and the people who actually visit your website. If you rank highly in search engines but fail in providing your services in real value then you will never gain any grounds in search engines. Therefore, you must remember to try to satisfy both of those opposing forces when you use SEO. Information promoted by – ewittas – Preferred SEO Company – www.ewittas.com