Flying Carpet Children Music Festival

The Flying Carpet Festival is a learning platform for artists and children, alike, to create a harmonious experience through music, light, beauty, and truth. They organize festivals specializing in forward thinking design, music and art dedicated towards educating children who need it most. They've selected artists, musicians and visionaries from all over the world, with the common goal of creating the best possible musical educational experience for the locals, children and visitors of Mardin, Turkey. “Flying carpet is for everyone, but especially the children. We believe that children growing up in the most difficult circumstances are the most inspired to bring change to their surroundings. We invest in the most vulnerable children in one of the most difficult regions of the world to be a child. We collaborate with children in order to experience and develop a creative process which can provide every child with unlimited opportunities and methods of expression in the most meaningful way possible. We provide children with many musical solutions to life, not necessarily to create a musician out of them but simply to provide them with creative methods to express their own story and feelings without being directly exposed to their audience and to their surroundings.”