
A healthy mind and body is all what one desires from but there are some hindrances to healthy life called diseases. As the name suggests it is a state of having a discomfort (dis-ease) in a healthy body and mind. A disease is a condition in which the body functions work a little different from that of a normal body. There are different ways by which a body can get attracted towards the diseases. Most common of them are the infections caused by bacteria, virus, fungi etc. formed inside a host body. But as the medical has invented cure to every disease, it has done same for infections also. The immune system is responsible for resisting entry of any other agent inside the body by providing anti-bodies against the virus or bacteria entering the blood cells of the body. If the immune system fails in its task to prevent the entry of any outside agent, the virus enters the body and start reproducing itself causing ill-health. The disease in which the virus, bacteria or any other agent carrying disease comes from any other unhealthy person is called contagiousness. These diseases are also called infectious diseases or communicable diseases. An infection can travel from one body to another in the form of body fluids, physical contact and other common objects used by both the persons. Some infections are so strong that they can travel through the air inhaled thus the patient is advised to be kept in separate room. These days, with the advancement of medical technology one can make oneself immune to some specific diseases even before they enter the body by creating anti-bodies in blood for the infection. Anti-bodies once created will be enough to fight against the infection for the whole time span of one’s life. Such prevention can occur in case of diseases like polio, chicken-pox etc. In spite of such advancements some infections are still capable in making a person sick. If one gets caught to any kind of infection, there are advanced tests available in the form of infectious disease 3D medical illustrations. These provide a 3D picture of the growth of bacteria in one’s body giving the most accurate idea about the growth of the parasite and the extent to which a person is infected. It furthers helps to know which kind of treatment we should follow and the effects of earlier carried treatments. These tests give a 3D picture illustrating the degree of infection in the body in an easy to understand picture. This is also important in case of contagious diseases as it prevents extra physical contact with the patient. In fact infectious disease 3D medical illustrations can be considered as a quick, accurate and safest mode of test available these days. For more information related to this please visit : and