Growthjack started in 2016 and scaled from an integrated experiential agency founded on a rooftop to an integrated experience-first agency. Headquartered in New Delhi, Growthjack grows every day from its offices in Mumbai, Bangalore, Wapi, and Patna. Growthjack works with media agencies and partners such as India Today, Radio Mirchi, Radio City, Indian Express, Dainik Jargon, PayTunes to save customer money through targeted media and creative communication tactics. For brands looking to hire a 360-degree digital marketing company, Growthjack offers in-house tech systems to manage content, learning, booking, commerce, and other marketing processes tailored for modern business, complete with custom third-party integrations. For Partners Growthjack invites tech and e-commerce partners/agencies for integration opportunities with its platform. The beta platform for developers offers its API that creators can access from any platform and create their plugins for Growthjack. With digital workflows to enable convenience and save costs for clients, Growthjack’s vision is to transform business in India through fluid omnichannel strategies and memorable experiences.