Hangover IV

Do you love spending an occasional fun night out indulging in a fe cocktails with friends, but then quickly regret your indulgence the next day when you are left with a hangover? You can begin enjoying those nights out and feeling great the next day when you try IV hangover therapy. Read on to learn how IV hangover elimination works and how it can relieve the symptoms of a hangover, including nausea, fatigue, those pounding headaches, and much more. If you are interested in IV Therapy for Hangover in New York, visit our clinic. We have offices in Brooklyn and Queens. Since our hangover elimination treatment is administered through an IV drip, you likely first wonder how IV drip works. To begin the IV drip during your hangover treatment, we will first insert a slim plastic tube called a catheter into one of your larger veins, typically in the crook of your arm. This is usually painless, although you may feel just a slight pinching sensation when the catheter is inserted. Next, we attach your catheter to a longer piece of plastic tubing that is connected to a large bag of hangover therapy solution we have prepared for you. After you are all hooked up, the special solution will drip slowly through the tubing and into your vein where it immediately begins flowing through your bloodstream.