
HealthUnlocked is the largest social network for health in the world. Each month we support millions of people to improve their health through online peer support and self management. Our website is the third largest health website in the UK and in the top 20 in the U.S which shows the reach and impact of our online communities. Our social network: At the heart of everything we do are our patients. By connecting people with others who have the same health conditions we are changing lives every day. This is especially important when you consider that the majority of people have often never met someone with the same health condition as them. We are helping people to make life changing connections across the globe every day. Our charity and nonprofit partners: Our social network has 600 different health and wellbeing communities for people to come to for information and peer to peer support. We partner with hundreds of patient advocacy organisations and charities within these communities, providing them with support, expertise and moderation. Our business and commercial products: We offer a range of unique solutions to organisations and businesses, specialising in access to an active health focused audience. HealthUnlocked is able to transform how organisations reach out to, recruit, assess and gain insight from patients. For more information on the products we offer please speak to the commercial team.