A special sock designed for diabetics could cut the risk of ulcers and foot amputations by 60 per cent. In the UK every year 5,000 diabetes sufferers undergo amputation and it it hoped the garment which is made from a fabric that slowly releases powerful moisturisers, will reduce this figure. The liners - called difoprev - are worn 12 hours a day and contain glycoproteins harvested from an antartic glacier. Clinical trials have shown glycoproteins hydrate the skin and help heal minor superficial ulcers. Dr Stephen young, formerly head of the tissue viability unit at Guy's hospital, says: "After treating diabetic patients with Difoprev over a four-week period all patients showed a reduction in crack depth on the heel." Foot ulceration, foot infection, foot and limb amputation are some of the most common complications arising from both Type 1 and 2 diabetes. * Difoprev costs from Euro1. 50 per day and the liners come in two sizes (for UK shoe sizes 2 to 11). Visit www.maantra.com or call 020 3176 4220.