IDEAS For Us focuses on the world’s most pressing environmental challenges by promoting local action to solve global issues. If we are to halt climate change and develop a sustainable world with a resilient environment, economy, and social system, an IDEAS presence needs to be established in every community on Earth. Because our projects are self directed by the participants and fostered by the parent NGO, we have great respect for the cultural and social identities of the people we serve. We provide students, young professionals, and the public with the educational resources they need to recognize the environmental problems in their communities and then we assist them in creating a plan to take action and measure the project's success. Over the past 7 years, we’ve grown our grassroots movement into a network of over 200 campuses and communities, across 25 countries; all focused on implementing local solutions to global problems. We develop programs, projects and campaigns that incorporate sustainable initiatives throughout campuses and communities. All our activities focus on five core areas of sustainability: Energy, Water, Food, Waste, and Ecology. Our programs are interdisciplinary, action based, and intergenerational. An example of a successful food solution IDEAS For Us has accomplished here in Orlando is Fleet Farming. Fleet farming is a pedal-powered urban farming program turning lawns into local organic food. Currently 15 front lawns in Winter Park are being share-cropped with home-owners to grow organic produce that is harvested by volunteers on bikes and then brought to local market at East End Market, Prato, Luma, Ravenous Pig, Park Plaza Gardens, and more. Our growth has been limited only by our financial resources to make sure that we can maintain quality control for our projects, through our growth and spread across the globe has steadily increased with our accreditation by the United Nations. Our vision of the future is to become world famous, a household name, like Greenpeace only better! There is a lot of good to be done for the people of planet Earth. IDEAS For Us has the passion and the energy to do it!