IJAHS.COM: An Online Platform for Journal Paper Submission

Once a scholar begins his life at graduation level after school, there comes a time when the course requires certain extra expectations during the time from students-to publish a journal article. Writing research paper or an article for journal paper publication naturally strikes fear in most students. The expectation for writing a good research work cannot be prepared just by studying a text. Writing a journal article for publication takes preparation and dedication. While writing an article for journal paper publication several factors must be kept in mind to construct such an article that it gets anticipation after getting published. International Journal Paper Publication provides a great platform for the research scholars to publish their research work at an international level. The reach and impact factor to a large extent can get the scholar an international acclaim. Here are some factors that promotes to publishing a good quality article and journal. One important aspect is the style of writing that ultimately succeeds to the objective of writing an article for the journal. The type of writing this requires clear understanding of the subject matter or topic. In order to achieve this, the students must ask for samples of the standard format for the article journals in their field of study. Part of clarity in writing for Research Paper Publication should focus on the reader’s perception of thesis. The thesis should possess one idea the reader takes away from journal article after they read last sentence. The responsibility of the journal writer is to construct and write words, sentences, and paragraphs, sections and an entire piece with coherence as to possess a single idea on the whole without drifting away from the topic. For any journal article that contains technical and specialized information, it is important to make it accessible to large audience. To accomplish this goal of reaching to wide audience the writer should write as if they are teaching an introductory class on their subject matter. Keeping this point in mind the writer is more likely to communicate clearly and effectively. The approach is beast when applied in the introduction and discussion sections of the journal article. Clarity being the main goal in the writing process, it enhances the chances of publication in the intended professional journals too. Writers should also make sure that they submit their works to the renowned journal, which at least possesses an impact factor of more than 1. The activity of writing a research journal is assigned to the postgraduates which is one of the activities on which their performance is evaluated. There are many online platforms for submitting the research articles and journals that target various kinds of audience pertaining to different fields. One such is ijahs.com. IJAHS is an international Journal of Art and Humanity Sciences which provides an open access to users for worldwide research publications. The journal covers wide range of latest and outstanding developments in the field of social science, history, environment and other educational sectors as well as researchers to publish their work.