IJITRA.COM: The Right Place for Journal Paper Submission

For a college going student in graduation days writing for a research paper is an important part of the curriculum. With changes in our education system, the demand of research journals and papers is also growing among various scholars and researchers. The courses now require research journals submissions from their students to award final merits and recognitions. Thus it is utmost important for the professors to understand the topics they give to students should not be too wide to increase monotony nor too narrow as not giving a clear understanding of the topic. Writing a research article or journal can be a daunting task and often writers are not certain about the things what should be included and how the information should be conveyed. The articles for International Journal Paper Submission follow an accepted format. They contain an introduction which includes the statement of the topic, a general outline of the paper, discussions and application areas and a final summary and conclusion. Some guidelines should be followed while writing scientific research journal with respect to style, target audience and publication platform. Importance of Manuscript in Journals A manuscript is a document written by hand or typed understood to be an author’s typed or word processed copy of his work. It is required to be submitted to the journal that contains: a cover letter, the manuscript, and a signed copyright transfer form. Cover Letter The cover letter should be prepared in a standard business letter format. It should contain the full title of the manuscript, a statement for exclusive submission stating not submitting the manuscript to more than one journal at the same time, a brief statement summarizing the significance of the work and information on whom to contact in case the journal requires any additional information. Copyright Transfer Form Most journals require authors to sign a copyright transfer form, available on the website, at the time they submit their manuscript to the journal for review. It is important because signing the form authors retain the right to reproduce their data. Thesis is the base of any research paper and it needs to be strong. Thus it is useful to ensure enough time in writing thesis well and in a proper way. Planning things before starting will give the author consistency to write about the topic. Picking and gathering right information for Journal Paper Submission can increase the quality content of it to attract the target audience. For achieving good quality it is advisable to take help of various magazines, published journals, online materials, encyclopedias and reference books. Once the paper gets written, selecting the right publication journal to publish the article is also very important. The journal editors and platforms want submissions that reflect the work of the research scholar adequately researched that can provide guidance to help the beginners in the field. One such platform to publish papers is ijtra.com IJTRA is international journal of technical research and applications promoting the research work of the scholars globally and get their work acclaimed.