For Immedite Release Faridabad, Haryana, 21 January 2010 - Trendy and Designer Tote bags, unlike the boring ones, are offered by Indi handbags at reasonable rates. Indi hand bags stores a wide range of designer handbags and on every season they announce their fresh collection. This time their fresh collection includes embossed leather shoulder tote bags, woven tote purses, embroidered tote purses, etc. This online store assures offering such handbags which complements any traditional or party out fit and those that are suitable for any occasion. Along with such variety of tote bags Indi handbags offer trendy hobo bags, chic messenger bags, matching bucket bags, trendy bucket bags, Indian clutch purses, trendy clutch purses, invogue mobile pouches, Indian silk bags, designer vintage purses and the list goes on. As these designer and ethnic style bags are available in an online store, it has become easier for the NRIs as well as the other customers to avail such handbags. About Indi handbags: Indi handbags is an online store where a wide collection of trendy and designer handbags are available at reasonable rates. Their exhaustive collection of such handbags meets up to the customers' expectations adding style and enhancing their persona in any party, occasion or get together. As this is an online store and Handbags from this store comes with reasonable price tags, anybody can enjoy shopping such bags any time and any where. Contact Details: Indi handbags Street: 1469, SECTOR - 15 City: FARIDABAD State: HARYANA Country: INDIA Zip Code: 121001 Phone NO: 91-9810680078 Email: Web Site: ###