
iXiGO.com is South Asia’s leading online & mobile travel search engine based out of Gurgaon, India. iXiGO.com searches across multiple airlines, hotels, trains and bus booking sites to find the best travel deals. Launched in June 2007 by IIT, INSEAD and Amadeus alumni Aloke Bajpai, Rajnish Kumar and Dharmendra Yashovardhan, iXiGO.com has been recognized by NASSCOM as India’s Top-100 Innovator. BusinessToday and Wall Street Journal/Mint have named it among India’s 10 hottest startups in 2008 for its unique market approach, product usability, and passionate management team. iXiGO is backed by BAF Spectrum, a Singapore-based seed-investment fund. For more information about iXiGO, visit www.ixigo.com or m.ixigo.com (mobile).