Jack Josh

Every accountant and bookkeeper needs an accounting program to make their job more efficient and fast. Over the years, QuickBooks has completed that need very successfully with its comprehensive features giving it more edge over other available accounting programs. It has been backed by its mother organization Intuit, innovating this program day by day to make it even more relevant towards modern-day accounting needs. Intuit has a vast experience of making tax and accounting programs for the years and years and it has used all their experience to make this accounting package as one of the prominent. QuickBooks has some unique ways of completing the accounting needs with its extensive features like: electronic payment, online banking and reconciliation, mapping with Google map, e-mail integration and many more, making this software first choice among accounting professionals. It has different editions suiting different kinds of business needs, giving solutions in many typical business accounting jobs. It has subsequent releases which makes the software updated with current federal and state policies and sync with latest business trends. With all its features, the access methods of QuickBooks have always been debatable as it has different accessing methods like: access with QuickBooks local, QuickBooks online access and remote access with QuickBooks hosting. QuickBooks hosting is one of the fantastic way of remotely accessing QuickBooks application along with other associated files and data. With QuickBooks hosting, we not only get more flexible and comprehensive usage options but also it lifts up many burdens of setting up and managing the IT infrastructure of its local usage. Even, we don’t require hiring an IT guy to just manage its usage environment. The remote access of QuickBooks has also given the opportunity to use its one of the most popular feature called multi-user access. With QuickBooks hosting setup, many accounting professionals can work together on a single company file from different locations, making our accounting jobs done faster and efficient. There are many more benefits of QuickBooks hosting making this popular way of access day by day. If you are an accounting having less technical infrastructure and want to use QuickBooks hosting, there are many application hosting providers to welcome you with their best IT resources. I am explaining about the major benefits you can have with your application hosting provider using QuickBooks hosting. Those are: 1- Flexible Access : QuickBooks cloud hosting provides us the simple options to access the application from any device and irrespective of the location. The accounting professionals are free to use it wherever they are like: office, restaurants, hotels, while travelling and almost everywhere. By this way, they can utilize their maximum time working with their accounting activity when they have some deadline before them. If they are the leader of the project, they can check the status using their smart phones and other mobile devices, giving them an additional advantage. We can utilize the multi-user function in the best way and many users can work from different locations in a single QuickBooks company file, providing maximum benefit, an accountant can expect. 2- High Availability : When we implement QuickBooks hosting for our QuickBooks usage, we get great amount of high availability solutions due to the hosting setup is nowadays based upon cloud computing. Cloud computing has the best disaster recovery setups and it is exclusively used when it comes a matter of critical data like QuickBooks company files. With this kind of setup, we can easily recover a server along with all its software and other data settings in a few moments once it goes down. It helps to avoid the unexpected downtimes of QuickBooks and other associated software settings. 3- Cost Effective Solutions: QuickBooks hosting has helped us to cut our IT cost that was required to setup and manage the QuickBooks usage infrastructure. With hosted QuickBooks, we get all the best usage options with application hosting providers by just paying some nominal hosting fees. The application hosting providers will be responsible to setup, manage and troubleshooting of the hosting setup. So, the accounting professionals are free from any technical burden instead they get proper time to focus on their core accounting stuffs. 4- Custom Integration: With QuickBooks web hosting setup, we can have options of integrating different applications, services and add-ons with QuickBooks. These add-ons and services increases the efficiency of the QuickBooks application and it makes QuickBooks more comprehensive to meet any kinds of typical accounting expectations. This option may not be easily available with other QuickBooks usage methods. If we analyze the entire benefits of QuickBooks hosting, it will not be very difficult to decide that it is the best usage option for QuickBooks software. But when we are using QuickBooks with local IT infrastructure and aspire to go for hosting, we need the transition to be accomplished very carefully. Firstly, we need to choose a best application hosting provider, having best IT practices with them so that we have everything at secure and reliable hands. Eventually, if we find everything perfect, QuickBooks hosting is going to give us a never had experience.