
Our firm offers today's global business community analytic and intelligence services traditionally reserved for national leaders. While our firm does not engage in corporate espionage, we do utilize other intelligence tools to provide our clients with the correct information relevant to the situation at hand. Our clients typically state "your team answers questions my other advisors, and resources can't or won't answer". Our clients rely upon the value and quality of the information and insight we provide, over and over again. Our predictive products are second to none and our services are often quantified beyond the value of monies exchanged. We build relationships, we help build stability. Our firm also engages in operations that most would consider 'self-policing' if the industries we overview held any such moral compass to do so. For our clients this helps reduce liability. We provide a weakness review second to none and shocking to most who learn to appreciate our candor. Jagrstrat isn't your typical consultancy firm. Our clients appreciate this fact especially in the age of information.