January 25, 2013 - Although most companies pay attention to employee training in the rank and file level, a lot of them neglect to train supervisors for the roles they have to play in production and management. This is what TDS aims to address by offering supervisor development solutions to companies in the petrochemical and refining industry. These solutions are designed to train candidates, new-hires, and skilled supervisors and provide them with the necessary skills to perform their jobs more efficiently, therefore ensuring the company of highly-trained first-level management employees who can contribute to its success. If you're a business owner, you know how costly it is for an employee to make mistakes during production, more so if the wrong decisions and actions come from a supervisor because this will really have a negative impact on the image of the company and your business as a whole. TDS training under supervisor development solutions includes FLSD or front line supervisor development program. It is designed to allow supervisors the opportunity to enhance their skills and improve their sense of accountability and fairness in all aspects of their jobs. FLSD is divided into three phases, with each allowing supervisors to learn about various management skills that can be quite useful during the course of their careers. "We wanted to make sure that clients who go to us for help will get the assistance they need especially when it comes to employee training", says a TDS representative, "which is why we have come up with FLSD aside from the usual workforce performance solutions being offered." All throughout these training programs, TDS collaborates with their client to come up with customized solutions for workforce optimization and improvement. In FLSD, TDS will work closely with their client to ensure that supervisors taking part in the program can deliver expected results in a reasonable amount of time. If you're interested in improving workforce skills and efficiency in your company, you can get in touch with TDS to learn more about their customized solutions. TDS has been working closely with businesses in the petrochemical industry for a number of years, and you can be sure that the programs they offer can contribute to a more successful company. Visit their website at http://www.tdshou.com or contact them at 1 800 480 1128. You can also leave a message using the contact us page found on their website so a representative can get in touch with you as soon as possible. Contact Info: Jeff Strong 1107 Hwy 1431 #313 Marble Falls, TX, 78609 (512) 553-0500 jeffwatts.tdshou@gmail.com