We provide Botox, Juvederm Dermal Fillers, CoolSculpting, Facials, Microneedling and more. Where can I find ZO Skin Health Support? We see this question every day on social media. At JoAnn Francis Medical Esthetics, we can help you with this! If you have already purchased your ZO Skin Health products online and are unsure on how to use them, then help is on the way! Yes, ZO Skin Health has made it easy for their customers to purchase online, but they can only give generalized information when it comes to Product Placement and proper protocol use. Why? Because ZO Skin Health is so much more than a product, it’s a protocol. These products are designed to be customized to the individual by a Certified ZO Skin Health Expert and Specialist. A consult is always recommended prior to making this commitment.