
You only imagine what it must have been like for our fathers and grandfathers who cared about their look and youth; thanks to numerous technological advancements, the people of today have the benefit of enjoying countless conveniences that our ancestors simply did not. In the old days, once you got old, that was it, there was nothing you could do about your wrinkled face, sagging skin, gray hair (if you had any left at all) etc. Today the situation is greatly different since there is pretty much a medical procedure for any type of correction you want performed – if you want to look younger, if you don’t want wrinkles, if you don’t want gray hair, if you want to have hair etc. However, one of the things that medical personnel has seldom paid attention to when it comes to medical procedures were veins and the corresponding problems. Today, the Vein Disorders Center can help you with that too; the only prerequisite is that you’re on the market for varicose veins treatment in Los Angeles. An understandable inquiry You might be wondering why you should choose the Vein Disorders Center if you have trouble with unwanted and bulging veins on your hands that cause discomfort every single time you lay eyes on them. Well, since there is a wide range of procedures available for varicose veins treatment in Encino, it might be difficult to collect all of the necessary information regarding different types of procedures as well as the imminent health risks that each of them bears. However, the Veins Disorder Center was the first to offer an exclusive procedure that is only minimally invasive, in addition to being both permanent and very safe at the same time. If you want results that will last a lifetime, the best thing you can do is put your faith in the detailed and comprehensive 30-year long vein practice that guarantees to result in your hands looking young and tight once again. Time to take charge If you were to hear the term “ambulatory phlebectomy”, you would probably frown and tilt your head to the side (unless you’re exceptionally well informed). The term is used to signify a revolutionary and minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins that originated in Europe, but has been applied by the Vein Disorders Center for over 20 years. This treatment has been routinely performed since 1995 and it is available in the Vein Disorders Center in the purpose of removing unpleasant veins from the hands (typically from the dorsal aspect). The procedure for both hands is, just like when it comes to legs, performed with local anesthesia in an office setting and in just one single session! That’s right – not only will you be able to drive yourself to the office, but the best part is that you’ll be able to drive back home as well! There is absolutely no reason to wait and put your hands in your pockets every single time you leave the house for a walk or an errand; take matters into your own hands (quite literally) and change your life for the better. You’ll also be glad to hear that the Vein Disorders Center also provides numerous other services such as: • Hand vein treatment Calabasas; • Vein removal Woodland Hills; • Spider veins Studio City etc. 16311 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1255 Encino, CA 91436-4363 (818) 905-5502 Encino, CA 16311