Kathy Buist

Buy art by Kathy Buist Artist's Statement Living New York City my landscapes are of a very different topography. The pieces convey a reverence for the earth, which manifests itself in quite sensual ways. These works play on the elemental values of sun, water, and morning mist to capture the spirit of each environment. It has been observed that some of my paintings almost impart the aroma of the earth. Each has an underlying sensual quality which will emerge in some surprising manner to reveal the paintings essence. This comes from my intimate relationship with the subject matter. In my paintings, I also explore the transformational qualities of light, using the subtle nuances found in refracted morning, afternoon or evening light to embody a particular moment in time. Perhaps these sensibilities are a result of having grown up on a farm in rural Michigan - and a flower farm, at that. While sensual, the landscapes are also somewhat political. They return the viewer to a seemingly lost time in which humans interrelated on more fundamental levels with nature. In addition, they speak to today's need for increasing environmental awareness and preserving that environment. I have been a resident artist at the Vermont Studio Center and served as visiting artist at a number of workshops where I taught landscape painting.