
Konstruktor introduces Creative Environment, which enables anyone to innovate their ideas by having a vertical timeline, ratings, new form of finances, and IT infrastructure. They are all integrated into one place and are at your fingertips. The pivotal point of this site is an individual. Everything else, such as projects, companies, jobs, cities, countries and the earth itself revolves around this individual. Any user can create a team for business and other activities, prepare a resume by simply hitting a button, and make oneself available for a job or a freelance project. A user can also decide to share his or her personal information with the other projects, teams or organizations. Having all of the above in one place will make you organized and productive whether you are an artist, a business owner, a student or a homemaker. We believe that Creative Environment is a place to produce your ideas under convenient conditions, in which you can get a real rating for your innovations and interface in an absolute beneficial setting. As a result, creating is much freer for people of any age and occupation.