Kris Schave

Kris Schave, a native Californian and wildlife advocate, has made it her mission to support the millions of animals who were injured or died in the California 2020 Wildfire season. More than 9,000 California wildfires this season burnt over 4.3 million acres of California’s landmass, leaving large populations of wild animals displaced or injured. By gathering donations from friends, family, and the larger state community, Kris Schave has collected significant funds to assist the tens of thousands of animals in need of medical care. In Butte County alone, more than 10,000 pets have been displaced after the Wolsey and Hill Fires. To support Kris Schave’s efforts and animal sanctuaries, Kris asks that you donate your time to local shelters and foster lost domestic animals. She also asks that anyone outside of California sends donations to the Humane Society of Ventura County or the Red Cross, if possible.