Lead generation for coaches

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvuBIHzq7-U In the video you can say what you do, who you help, who you'd like to apply and then you get them to fill out an application form so you're only talking to people who you know met your criteria and then on the call you can help identify where they are, what they're trying to get done, what their problems are, and what they need to do to get the result they want. Then you can talk about how you can help them or if it's not a good match you can point them in another direction.If it is a good match you can sign them up on the phone or sell them your product or service. This can dramatically shorten your sell cycle. It reduces the number of dead lead that you talk to, things that really are dead ends that you shouldn't talk to while increasing the number of leads that are coming in, so it can really supercharge your sales process.In the videos that you get with a high ticket sells funnel guide, I walk you through every page, what its function is, what we need to do there, and how to build it for all three funnels, so make sure you download a copy of the guide.