Lead On Media, LLC

We may know the healthy habits of developing a healthy body and mind. We may also know the tools for money management, saving and investing, but few people talk about the necessary healthy relationship habits successful couples use to have the healthy, supportive and loving relationship we all deserve. The Healthy Love Academy provides the foundational habits successful couples practice within the Healthy Love Relationship Kits. Each Relationship Kit offers a video presentation, downloadable PDF worksheet, and five downloadable MP3 guided mediations to help you gain perspective, get calm, get clear and determine your next steps. Currently there are four Healthy Love Relationship Kits available: How to have a REAL Conversation The LOVE Habit How to Figure Out What You Want Guide for After a Fight These exciting game changing programs have been developed by Shawna Leady, a Divorce Mediator, who is committed to helping couples deal constructively with conflict and improve their overall communication quality and connection.