Lili is a content and social network arranged in a list format, and each point is supported with a relevant image, map, link, date to keep readers engaged. A community to share and discover content in the form of lists. In the same spirit as the other social networks people have become accustomed to there are many of the same features on Lili. A discover and trending tab for finding new content, an area where in real-time you can view your followers lists, ability to re-list other lists, share lists on all social networks, blogs, and via direct link, #hashtag and @user linking, advanced user, list, and geolocation searching, notifications, and a personalized profile page. For consumers, lists are concise, simple, and deal with just the most important ideas you want to express. Lili is a community where users can share, search and discover knowledge, experiences, opinions, funny things, things that are loved or disliked - on any topic. For content creators, publishers, marketers, and brands - lists generate large waves of traffic, more impressions, and more genuine advertising opportunities. Lists have been shown over the last decade to be highly viral, and a tool for increasing presence on other mediums such as blogs and other social networks where getting engagement is becoming more complicated and ephemeral posts are lost in the noise. All Lili list tiles specifically and purposefully mention the number of list items so the reader can mentally budget for the amount of time needed to read the list. Research has shown that giving the reader an expectation of time commitment increases engagement with the content. The trend in content marketing shifting away from the traditional ways of expecting engagement and view by merely producing content through articles and blog posts towards using short concise list items to quickly wet the appetite for the consumer for more information.