Living Room Rugs

As the current market leader, we have been a major supplier of living room rugs for nearly a decade. Within this segment, we have focused on offering our clientele the most beautiful and comprehensive selection of unique and eco-friendly rug options. Why eco-friendly? In our manufacturing process, we do not rely on the soulless machine production but on traditional hand-making in accordance with centuries-old techniques. Not only does it limit the amount of pollution and waste but also it ensures that each new custom rug is one of a kind and durable, ready to withstand many years of constant usage. Whether you are seeking a vibrant area rug to be the focal point of your room, or a subtle allover rug to play a supporting role in a design scheme, we are confident that we can help you find the perfect rug to meet your needs and desires. Whether an Italian-garden inspired pattern, a novel interpretation of an 18th-century design, a sophisticated modern design, or a playful interpretation to match a quirky color scheme, we are confident in our ability to find the rug to complete the personality of your room. Call us today: 469-359-2198.