Each one of us wants to give the best thing to his children: the best school, the best clothes, the best food, the best stationary and all other things they demand from us. We try hard to give those things to our children in every situation. We don’t even realize sometimes that they are asking for wrong thing. If they need a new bicycle, we try to provide it to them but now-a-days children seem to be more interested in having the latest version of their favorite video game rather a new bicycle. Kids Video games are popular since they their creation. They are retaining the same popularity as an excellent source of entertainment and killing leisure. Even adults play these games to release stress and amusement. These games have prevailed the minds to such an extent that not only children but adults also make sure to take out some time from their busy routines in order to play their favorite video games. As video games are popular among both young and adults, they have different effects on each of them. For instance, the impact on children would be different than that on an adult. The effects of games totally depend on the type of the game which is being played by children. Like other things, these video games have their own positive and negative aspects but this article is going to highlight a few negative effects of