Meditation is at the heart of the Wim Hof Method On the course, you get given a workbook, so you can record your progress each day. Before doing any of the exercises, I answered a series of questions such as ‘How is your mindfulness during the day?’, ‘How is your sleep in general?’ and ‘Do you experience cold hands and feet?’ I also had to record how many press-ups I could do with proper form and how long I could hold my breath before it became uncomfortable. Initially I was able to do 10 press-ups and hold my breath for a minute before it stopped being comfortable. After some of the Wim Hof Method breathing exercises, however, in just day one, I was able to hold my breath comfortably with no initial air in my lungs, for 2:11 minutes. I figured this was pretty good considering I only really do breath retentions in yoga for up to a minute and a half. Once you’re comfortable, you can start to breathe in and out 30 times — not too shallow or deep. Imagine you’re blowing up a balloon and you’re whole body is being saturated with fresh oxygen. This may feel a bit like you are hyperventilating, but you are in control. Like me, you may also feel a tingling or lightheaded sensation throughout your whole body, which is perfectly normal.