For Immediate Release Contact: Osram Quan, ,, Osram Communications announces Excellent JPG Photo Sketching Centre Plu none, Malaysia, 26 May 2011 - Osram Communications has published new software - Design GIF pictures for web site. The application comes with ready-to-use shapes. You may easily tailor template for exploit as your own animation. With sprite`s settings pane you can change the layer id, position, size, transparency, etc. If you want to modify settings of other sprite just select the layer and panel will visualize the settings of particular layer. With this application You can create animations from your personal pictures (JPG, GIF, BMP, AVI, ICO, PNG) and combine it with bold content and figures. The ready-to-use templates like banners, buttons and logos, create the product even easier to use. Software makes high-quality pictures, buttons and ads for your Web page. It has object-oriented design which helps you edit pictures, work with content, and use digital distortions like shadows, flames, opacity as well as twist and modification. The program job zone has special panels that you can visualize or remove to make a more comfortable working space. When complete, project may be exported as GIF, AVI, JPEG, ICO, PNG or Bitmap image. AVAILABILITY Excellent JPG Photo Sketching Centre Plu program can be downloaded for free from the Osram Communications site at: ABOUT OSRAM COMMUNICATIONS Established in May 2011, Osram Communications develops applications to design high-quality images for web site For more information on the business and its services please visit its internet site at