Pain Free Physiotherapy Clinic

At PAIN FREE PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC, physiotherapists are well equipped in dealing with all the latest modalities. Dr. Roshan Jha keeps updated with latest researches in the field of electrotherapy and makes sure that any latest development in the application of modalities is discussed among the physiotherapist. The dosage is decided according to the severity of condition. We prefer combination of different therapeutic modalities which is superimposed with manual and exercise therapy to achieve desired result. Discuss your query about electrotherapy or any treatment you are undergoing with our experts to understand the treatment better. Dr. Roshan Jha is specialized in, and takes special interest in, orthopaedic and sports related conditions. He designs graded exercise programme to relieve pain, strengthen the muscles, increase the joint range of motion, improve the joint sense (proprioception) and balance and improve the flexibility of soft tissues (stretching exercises). His further role is to work on sport specific proto-type activity designing which will incorporate speed, agility, power, and endurance and plyometric exercise regimes. This helps the athlete get back to the sporting activity. What distinguishes Dr. Roshan Jha from others is his ability to identify the abnormal biomechanical faults and work out an exercise regime to correct it.