Paradise Hill

Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to the pressure you notice on the median nerve. Actually, the median nerve is seen in the wrist and it produces feelings as well as movements to other parts of your hand. The Carpal tunnel refers to the channel in the palm section of your wrist. Usually the wrist bones are arranged in a semi circle. There’s a tough ligament known as carpal ligament which forms a roof over the wrist bone thereby creating a passage known as carpal tunnel. Your tendons which are used in bending the fingers and the wrist also pass through the carpal tunnel. Your median nerve is surrounded by the Carpal tunnel and also controls some of the muscles that move the thumb. When you get too much pressure on your median nerve, you’re said to be suffering from Carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s estimated that about 3 in 100 men and 5 in 100 women do develop carpal tunnel syndrome at some points in their lives. The syndrome can lead to tingling, weakness numbness and muscle damage in the hand and fingers. In most cases, the Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually common in the lives of individuals who perform a lot of work with their wrist, fingers and hands. People who type steadily on the computer keyboard or those who play the piano are likely to develop the syndrome. Other causes of the syndrome include sewing, driving, writing, painting, use of tools, sports and so on. Carpal tunnel syndrome comes with symptoms such as tingling or numbness in the thumb and palm, elbow pain, wrist pain, weakness in both hands and so on. In any case, one can always get a Carpal Tunnel relief by following some helpful tips. In the first place, you have to go for a test at the hands of your doctor. The test that can be carried out may include Electromyography, wrist x-rays, and nerve conduction velocity. After the test, the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment can commence. You may be asked to wear a splint at night for some weeks. You may also be asked to wear it during the day if the symptoms persist. There are also other Carpal Tunnel Exercises you may be asked to engage in. You need to avoid sleeping on your wrist. You also need to avoid using the computer keyboard, or other equipments that caused your condition for some time. Finally, some medications and even surgery may also be carried out by the doctor depending on the situation on ground. With this, you can always be free from Carpal tunnel syndrome.