Delhi - Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd., is one of the most trusted names in the oil industry. This is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Their ISO certification vouches for their trusted quality standards that they maintain in all their operations. This company specializes in wide range of products in the oil industry including wireline equipment, pressure control equipment, coil tubing tools and more. Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd., gives great importance to customer satisfaction. They put their customers first before everything else. They are dedicated to manufacturing and supplying the highest quality products in the oil industry. This has fetched them very positive image in the industry. Their core values are safety, health and highest environment standards and all their operations are guided by these core values which is always motivated by their quest for “How to do it better?”. They pay great attention to details which sets them apart as professionals from the rest of the competition. Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd., is always trusted for its highest quality. They have earned the trust of their customers by offering consistently good quality oil field equipment. They will never do anything that will undermine their reputation. Oil industry is a very competitive industry and remaining an industry leader all these years is not an easy challenge. It is Only with the dedication and tireless work that have been put in by the entire team at Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd, it is possible. All their hard work has paid them richly and they emerge as one of the most reputed Indian companies and oil equipment suppliers. To make sure that all the oil field equipment they manufacture are of the highest quality, Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd carefully pick their starting materials. The entire process is audited at various levels. All the raw materials obtained are subjected to rigorous testing before they are cleared for use. They always conduct validation tests even on the raw materials that come with third party quality certification. This company uses only CNC machines in the manufacturing process. Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd., is also well known for their ability to offer the most cost effective oil field equipment solutions. By industry standards, Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd., enjoys the highest level of customer satisfaction. They strive towards establishing long term relationship with their customers and they are highly successful in achieving this goal. For detailed information on the services of this company, please visit