The methods being used by the BOP to isolate inmates in cells is sufficient for medium and high institutions but wholly insufficient for the overcrowded Florence Federal Prison Camp (FPC) which only houses non-violent inmates. Social distancing is impossible at FPC Florence. Non-violent CAMPERS(not really inmates) at Florence FPC (which has no bars, cells, walls or fences) have been put at greater risk to contract COVID-19 because its officials have instituted a lockdown of the camp and thereby created a "social crowding" environment, not a social distancing one. Florence officials are not totally at fault because the original design of FPC Florence housing units has created an intractable problem for BOP officials to effectively implement social distancing. The fact that FPC Florence is overcrowded exponentially complicates social distancing solutions which is why home confinement of a reasonable number of campers is critical to successfully implement social distancing. "Since the BOP classifies prison camps as out-custody facilities and permits these non-violent, non-threatening campers to work in the local community and attend job fairs without BOP staff supervision, it should be a no-brainer for the BOP Director to release many of them to home-confinement to effectively implement social distancing," says Lamont Banks, Executive Director of A Just Cause. "Furthermore, Florence, Colorado's high altitude of over 5000 feet means there is less oxygen in the air which puts campers and correctional officers are at greater risk of not be able to breath without a ventilator due to COVID-19's crippling effect on the lungs' ability to oxygenate," adds Banks. "There is absolutely no reason to continue threatening the lives of numerous campers with COVID-19 when they have a home to be released to and are not a danger to the community," exclaims Banks