Posted on Monday, April 08, 2013 at 1:54 pm CDT
Reports indicate a 70 percent increase in bedbug outbreaks over the last decade, driving the public to spend an average of $250 million dollars annually to fight these infestations. Due to the small size and evasive nature of these insects, controlling an infestation can be almost impossible for those not trained in proper pest management techniques. In an effort to assist the population of Central Texas in fighting these pests, Absolute Pest Management has launched a campaign to eradicate bedbugs within one treatment to prevent further spread.
Source: Absolute Pest Management
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2012 at 2:46 pm CST
According to a study conducted by the Journal of Medical Entomology at the University of Florida, uncontrolled infestations of bed bugs can become harmful to people in as little as three to eight months. While many experts have said bed bugs offer no real health risk because they do not transmit diseases, this new study shows that humans in the midst of an uncontrolled outbreak are at a greater risk for anemia. Additionally, bed bug infestations have been shown to have severe effects on the mental health of the home dwellers who are dealing with the problem.
Source: Absolute Pest Management