An auto accident can be life-threatening. Even if one survives the same, other severe injuries that the person involved in the auto accident might be subjected to. The common areas that are affected severely include the neck and back, and the head. These are crucial areas, and the slightest of trauma or injury to these areas should not be left unattended. Though the individual receives some treatment at the hospital, only depending on pain killers and over-the-counter medications might not be sufficient to get rid of the problem. Even if the pain subsides eventually, these areas can get problematic later. That is why one needs to consider specialized treatment for dealing with the pain and other discomforts. There is one place where individuals involved in an auto accident can approach neck pain treatment in Mesa and Phoenix, Arizona. Accident & Injury Solutions are the trusted ones in this field, and they have been helping people deal with such untoward incidents in their life.