Agawam Dental Associates in Massachusetts is now leveraging the advanced power of the TruDenta headache treatment system for patients who are suffering problematic, chronic headache, neck and jaw pain. Using the combined knowledge of dental science and the power of TruDenta technology, Agawam patients are seeing much-needed relief for jaw soreness and headaches. It is known that the human bite ages along with the rest of the body. As the joints and bones of the jaw wear down and the teeth wear and move about slightly over time in the mouth, the way humans bite and rest their jaws will also shift. Teeth wear at different rates depending on their position in the mouth, and various forms of dental work will take their toll as well. Fillings, crowns and implants are fashioned from amalgam, metals, ceramic and other materials. These various materials also deteriorate at different rates, and may cause improper alignment of the teeth, which in turn can force the jaw muscles and tendons to overcompensate. In addition, joints and cartilage lose thickness throughout the body as it ages. The changes in the way our mouth, teeth, jaw and muscles interact can cause headache and jaw pain symptoms that are now targeted for treatment by the TruDenta system.