Altavest Worldwide Trading, Inc.

Altavest's Legend Program Returns 35.29% in 2014, Ranking #1 in Risk-Adjusted Performance

LogoAccording to, a database that tracks Commodity Trading Advisor performance, Altavest's Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) Program, Legend, was ranked the 2nd best performing option strategy in 2014 in terms of absolute performance, returning 35.29% to investors in 2014. Most importantly, Legend wasranked the #1 performer according to its riskadjusted return (Sharpe Ratio of 6.88).

Altavest Private Client Services, LLC (APCS) Featured in BarclayHedge's Monthly Performance Rankings for Its Award Winning Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) Program

LogoAltavest Worldwide Trading, Inc. is honored to announce that Altavest Private Client Services, LLC (APCS) has been featured in BarclayHedge's monthly performance rankings for its award winning Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) program: Legend. Its Legend Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) Program was ranked #4 within the Options Strategies category for December 2014, posting a net return of 3.08%, with a 2014 net return of 35.29%. BarclayHedge has recognized Legend as one of the top performing CTA programs on the market due to the programs high net return.